Monday 13 October 2014

Thoughts become things...Inspirational Coaching on the leading edge

energy follows attention

Yes, energy follows attention, thoughts become things...
what you think about hardens into the facts of your life.
This is powerful stuff when you "Get it"
...& "Getting it" will change your life beyond measure.

Think about it.
It is such a simple law, some call it law of attraction, 

~good name.
Simple & obvious really, when one looks through clear eyes with clean untainted vision. Mostly though, our vision is neither clear, nor untainted.
We have been alive long enough to be contaminated by all manner of influences, ideas & beliefs from out there! We have been trained away from our natural intuitive selves & led to believe what we were told by all those well meaning (& sometimes not so well meaning) others.
What is a belief? It is simply an idea that has become solid in ones mind & become 'truth'. It may well, (hopefully) in due course transform into a different idea & or belief (truth) as one moves through life, expands ones horizons & grows in awareness, after all, it was not that long ago that we believed absolutely, that the world was flat!
This shift is often what occurs as the years fly by & we reach what is commonly known as the midlife crisis. In one oriental language the word crisis is written as two brush strokes, one meaning loss or danger, the other, opportunity. 

There is no loss, not really. There is only ever change & once the dust settles, there is always a pony in there somewhere.
The law of attraction, as obviously obvious as it is, is missed by the majority of us. It is sort of opposite to how we have come to understand life on earth.
It has, at it's core, the fundamental principles of letting go, 

of allowing life to live itself out through you, rather than trying, efforting & attempting to control life & life situations. 
We tend in our societies, to hang on, to cling, covet, grasp & come from a shaky footing of fear & insecurity.

We were born with wide eyes, alive, engaging, curious & knowing. We knew we were meant to be here & never questioned our existence & belonging.
Some say we have to lose ourselves to find ourselves, & yes, 

it seems to be the way.
I have heard it said that there are three states along the evolutionary path;

They have been named the
three stages of the fool;


The fool who does not know & he does not know that he does not know

The fool who thinks he knows & really, he does not know

The fool who does not know & he knows he does not know

Innocence is beautiful, yet vulnerable, perhaps it is that vulnerability that we see as beauty. That same vulnerability is what gets layered over with the tough, defensive & crusty exterior of arrogance. Such softness & sensitivity as that which we are, deep inside, must be protected from the ravages of other fools one meets along the path toward sure footed enlightenment, (for those that awaken) ...where one stumbles into the vivid & deeply life changing realization that nothing & no one can really hurt you, no one can take away your real treasure, no one can take away from you that which you truly are.

Thanks for taking some quality time for yourself & reading this blog...

My name is Louise Bourne
I am a personal development coach, inspirational counselor & artist living & working in the Southwest of Western Australia. 

At times I have played the part of all these fools!
...Which fool are you?

If you are interested in the law of attraction, in living an authentic & empowered life & are seeking some passionate & inspirational ideas, you have landed in just the right place!
This is the law of attraction in action, right before your eyes!
I encourage you to follow those inner promptings, be true to yourself & make the shift to a better life now.
Contact me for some one on one personal coaching.
Feel free to browse my website at  
                                                              It's designed to uplift & encourage anyone who is interested in living life fully from a place of unconditional confidence.
Your feedback & comments are welcome.
Check in with me also, to find out more about...
small group inspirational & life shifting workshops,
talks & gatherings.

& Remember...
"Everything was impossible until somebody did it"
~Scott Dinsmore

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